Results for 'Teresa Gloria Scalisi'

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  1.  18
    Case Report: Theory of Mind and Figurative Language in a Child With Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum.Sergio Melogno, Maria Antonietta Pinto, Teresa Gloria Scalisi, Fausto Badolato & Pasquale Parisi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In this case report, we studied Theory of Mind and figurative language comprehension in a 7.2-year-old child, conventionally named RJ, with isolated and complete agenesis of the corpus callosum, a rare malformation due to the absence of the corpus callosum, the major tract connecting the two brain hemispheres. To study ToM, which is the capability to infer the other’s mental states, we used the classical false belief tasks, and to study figurative language, i.e., those linguistic usages involving non-literal meanings, we (...)
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    U.S. Hospital Industry Restructuring and the Hospital Safety Net.Gloria J. Bazzoli, Larry M. Manheim & Teresa M. Waters - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (1):6-24.
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    Historia Y producción filosófica durante el siglo XIX.Teresa Houghton P. & Gloria Isabel Reyes C. - 2004 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 25 (91):13.
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    The destructive love of interdict: an analytical approach to self-translation in Mapuche poetry from the affective turn.Melisa Stocco - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 47:63-73.
    Resumen Este trabajo intenta esbozar ciertas reflexiones en torno al papel de los afectos en la práctica de la autotraducción en la poesía mapuches. Vemos en el “giro afectivo” una posibilidad de comprender la producción literaria bilingüe de autores mapuches como un proyecto ético de reapropiación lingüística y de transgresión de límites culturales originado en afectos de “pulsión genealógica” que ponen en cuestión la autoridad de la lengua del colonizador, a la vez que resultan en la generación de los llamados (...)
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    Indirect Observation in Everyday Contexts: Concepts and Methodological Guidelines within a Mixed Methods Framework.M. Teresa Anguera, Mariona Portell, Salvador Chacón-Moscoso & Susana Sanduvete-Chaves - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:254638.
    Indirect observation is a recent concept in systematic observation. It largely involves analyzing textual material generated either indirectly from transcriptions of audio recordings of verbal behavior in natural settings (e.g., conversation, group discussions) or directly from narratives (e.g., letters of complaint, tweets, forum posts). It may also feature seemingly unobtrusive objects that can provide relevant insights into daily routines. All these materials constitute an extremely rich source of information for studying everyday life, and they are continuously growing with the burgeoning (...)
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  6. Essential vs. Accidental Properties.Teresa Robertson & Philip Atkins - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The distinction between essential versus accidental properties has been characterized in various ways, but it is currently most commonly understood in modal terms: an essential property of an object is a property that it must have, while an accidental property of an object is one that it happens to have but that it could lack. Let’s call this the basic modal characterization, where a modal characterization of a notion is one that explains the notion in terms of necessity/possibility. In the (...)
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    Cose e persone.John Dewey & Teresa Roversi - 2019 - Società Degli Individui 65:75-98.
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    Heaven, Earth, and In-Between in the Harmony of Life.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1995 - Springer.
    This volume marks a phase of accomplishment in the work of the World Phenomenology Institute in unfolding a dialogue between Occidental phenomenology and the Oriental/Chinese classic philosophy. Going beyond the stage of reception, the Oriental scholars show in this collection of studies their perspicacity and philosophical skills in comparing the concepts, ideas, the vision of classic phenomenology and Chinese philosophy toward uncovering their common intuitions. This in-depth probing aims at reviving Occidental thinking, reaching to its intuitive sources, as well as (...)
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    Editorial: Best Practice Approaches for Mixed Methods Research in Psychological Science.M. Teresa Anguera, Angel Blanco-Villaseñor, Gudberg K. Jonsson, José Luis Losada & Mariona Portell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Introduction to Volume 4.Joel Michael Reynolds & Teresa Blankmeyer Burke - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Disability 4:2-4.
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    Informed Consent Procedures: Responsibilities of Researchers in Developing Countries.Soledad Sánchez, Gloria Salazar, Marcia Tijero & Soledad Díaz - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (5-6):398-412.
    We describe the informed consent procedures in a research clinic in Santiago, Chile, and a qualitative study that evaluated these procedures. The recruitment process involves information, counseling and screening of volunteers, and three or four visits to the clinic. The study explored the decision‐making process of women participating in contraceptive trials through 36 interviews. Women understood the research as experimentation or progress. The decision to participate was facilitated by the information provided; time to consider it and to discuss it with (...)
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  12. Mujer, poder y violencia.Gloria Comesaña Santalices - 1991 - Maracaibo, Venezuela: Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Escuela de Filosofía.
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    Libro reseñado: ¿Una ética en tiempo de crisis? Ensayos sobre estoicismo. Autor: François Gagin.Luz Gloria Cárdenas - 2004 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 30:153-155.
    Libros reseñado: ¿Una ética en tiempo de crisis? Ensayos sobre estoicismo. Cali, Editoral de la Universidad del Valle, 2003.
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    Humanismo, globalização e os novos desafios à cidadania.Maria Teresa Miceli Kerbauy & Oswaldo Truzzi - 2004 - In Luiz Carlos Bombassaro, Arno Dal Ri Júnior & Jayme Paviani (eds.), As interfaces do humanismo latino. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.
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    Reseña de "El vínculo entrte razón y lenguaje" de Emilio Liedó.María Teresa Muñoz - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 4:235-244.
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    A functional analysis of pseudo-passives.Elizabeth Riddle & Gloria Sheintuch - 1983 - Linguistics and Philosophy 6 (4):527 - 563.
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    Caring and Conflicted: Mothers’ Ethical Judgments about Consumption.Teresa Heath, Lisa O’Malley, Matthew Heath & Vicky Story - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (2):237-250.
    Literature on consumer ethics tends to focus on issues within the public sphere, such as the environment, and treats other drivers of consumption decisions, such as family, as non-moral concerns. Consequently, an attitude–behaviour gap is viewed as a straightforward failure by consumers to act ethically. We argue that this is based upon a view of consumer behaviour as linear and unproblematic, and an approach to moral reasoning, arising from a stereotypically masculine understanding of morality, which foregrounds abstract principles. By demonstrating (...)
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    Phenomenology and Aesthetics: Approaches to Comparative Literature and the Other Arts.Marlies Kronegger & Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1990 - Springer.
    and the one in the middle which judges as he enjoys and enjoys as he judges. This latter kind really reproduces the work of art anew. The division of our Symposium into three sections is justified by the fact that phenomenology, from Husserl, Heidegger, Moritz Geiger, Ingarden, in Germany and Poland, Merleau-Ponty, Paul Ricoeur, E. Levinas in France, Unamuno in Spain, and Tymieniecka, in the United States, have revealed striking coincidences in trying to answer the following questions: What is the (...)
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    Instructionally induced strategy and sequential information in probability learning.Norman S. Braveman & Gloria J. Fischer - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (4p1):674.
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    Reseña de" Análisis arendtiano de la modernidad" de Katiuska Reyes Galué.Gloria M. Comesaña-Santalices - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (35):123.
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    “Monumento al roto... piojento”: La construcción oligárquica de la identidad nacional en Chile.Gloria Cortés Aliaga - 2009 - Arbor 185 (740):1231-1241.
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    Chesterton Institute in Malta.Gloria Garafulich-Grabois - 2012 - The Chesterton Review 38 (1/2):319-320.
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    El Área de Ciencia y Tecnologías Químicas del CSIC: ¿Un Área de químicas?María Teresa García-López - 2002 - Arbor 172 (679-680):501-517.
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    Evgenii Trubetskoi: icon and philosophy.Teresa Obolevitch & Randall Allen Poole (eds.) - 2021 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Prince Evgenii Trubetskoi, one of Russia’s great philosophers, exemplified what was best in the Russian religious-philosophical tradition. His lifelong pursuit was “integral knowledge.” This ideal affirmed that faith was integral to reason and that inner experience, and not just external sensory experience, offered truthful testimony to the nature of reality—precisely contrary to the reductive positivism and scientism of Trubetskoi’s day and ours. Following Vladimir Soloviev he developed the concept of Bogochelovechestvo —the free human realization of the divine principle in ourselves (...)
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  25. Filozofia i sztuka, filozofia i estetyka.Teresa Pękala - 2007 - Colloquia Communia 82 (1-2):99-102.
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    The Teleologies in Husserlian Phenomenology.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 1979
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    Working in a ‘third space’: a closer look at the hybridity, identity and agency of nurse practitioners.Teresa Chulach & Marilou Gagnon - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (1):52-63.
    Nurse practitioners (NPs), as advanced practice nurses, have evolved over the years to become recognized as an important and growing trend in Canada and worldwide. In spite of sound evidence as to the effectiveness ofNPs in primary care and other care settings, role implementation and integration continue to pose significant challenges. This article utilizes postcolonial theory, as articulated by Homi Bhabha, to examine and challenge traditional ideologies and structures that have shaped the development, implementation and integration of theNProle to this (...)
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  28. Construção Social.Teresa Marques - 2015 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    A ideia de que certas categorias, propriedades, eventos, ou factos, são construídos socialmente tem sido defendida nas ciências sociais e humanidades desde meados do século xx. Nas últimas décadas, vários filósofos da tradição analítica começaram a dedicar mais atenção à possibilidade de que haja tipos de coisas construídas socialmente. A ideia complementa outra ideia relativamente consensual hoje em dia: a de que existem tipos naturais, mas que nem tudo o que existe constitui um tipo natural. São particularmente interessantes os tipos (...)
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    The erotic stories of Marosa di Giorgio: poetic strange and epistemological criticism.María Teresa Aedo Fuentes - 2019 - Alpha (Osorno) 48:67-83.
    Resumen: Propongo una lectura de los relatos eróticos de Di Giorgio, según este, el hibridismo genérico textual y sexual ampliamente reconocido por la crítica, así como la recurrencia de transformaciones y metamorfosis a impulsos de un deseo que cancela las fronteras entre lo humano, lo animal, lo vegetal y lo material, realiza una profunda crítica epistemológica a la racionalidad moderna, andro y antropocéntrica, y su forma de concebir identidad y diferencia. El eje de esta ruptura epistemológica es la desarticulación de (...)
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  30. La dialettica dell'uomo interiore in Agostino.Maria Teresa Antonelli - 1954 - Humanitas 9:990-1012.
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  31. Induction and Analogy in Applied Ethicsin Socio-Educational Projects.María Teresa Yurén Camarena, Elena Rodríguez Roa & Miriam de la Cruz Reyes - 2025 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 38:137-161.
    El presente trabajo busca las ventajas de articular la inducción y la analogía con las éticas aplicadas en proyectos socioeducativos. La revisión de artículos muestra que en los proyectos sociales predominan las éticas principialistas, a las que subyace una lógica deductiva, pero algunosestudios revelan éticas aplicadas de corte dialógico y crítico estructuradas con la inducción y la analogía. Se examinan posiciones teóricas sobre el estatuto de las éticas aplicadas, confirmando quela inducción y la analogía están presentes, tanto en la casuística (...)
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  32. A propósito de la guerra: una reflexión a partir de las ideas de Hannah Arendt.Gloria Comesaña S. & Katiuska Reyes G. - 2007 - Episteme 27 (2):1-22.
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  33. Hannah Arendt: Ecología Y Educación.Gloria M. Comesaña-Santalices - 2004 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 6 (1).
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    Revision of AUDIT Consumption Items to Improve the Screening of Youth Binge Drinking.María-Teresa Cortés-Tomás, José-Antonio Giménez-Costa, Patricia Motos-Sellés & María-Dolores Sancerni-Beitia - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Devenir inorganique.Teresa De Lauretis - 2009 - Actuel Marx 45 (1):97-118.
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  36. Interdisciplines.Peter Dominey, Gloria Origgi & A. Reboul (eds.) - 2004
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    Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos: payasos que humanizan y promueven salud.Bruna Baliari Espinosa & Teresa Rosado Gutiérrez - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:4-15.
    La figura del payaso ha pasado por diferentes momentos y lecturas históricas, lo que permite considerarla como una figura arquetípica. Su papel en la sociedad históricamente fue el del ridículo, objeto de risas, pero el payaso no sólo es un ser congruente, auténtico y valiente, sino que también pued..
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    Semàntica: del siginificat del mot al significat de l'oració.Espinal I. Farré, Maria Teresa & Josep Macià (eds.) - 2002 - Barcelona: Editorial Ariel.
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  39. Los arabismos de ruices de Fontecha Dubler.María Teresa Herrera Hernández - 1985 - Al-Qantara 6 (1):103-118.
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  40. Decisiones y consentimientos respecto de la salud del menor.María Teresa Duplá Marín & María Dolores Bardají Gálvez - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca (ed.), Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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  41. Nature and man in vanini, Giulio, Cesare.Maria Teresa Marcialis - 1992 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 12 (2):227-247.
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    Sensibilitŕ e automatismo negli animalimacchina cartesiani.Maria Teresa Marcialis - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:603-631.
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    Anne Queyrel Bottineau – Jean-Christophe Couvenhes – Annie Vigourt , Trahison et traîtres dans l’Antiquité. 2012.Maria Teresa Schettino - 2016 - Klio 98 (2):734-741.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 2 Seiten: 734-741.
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    Books briefly noted.James L. Hyland, Teresa Iglesias, Peter J. King, Ciaran McGlynn, Jaime Nubiola, Brian O'Connor, Patrick Gorevan, Rachel Vaughan & Máire O'Neill - 1994 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2 (1):173-179.
    Political Freedom By George G. Brenkert Routledge, 1991. Pp. 278. ISBN 0–415–03372–1. £35 hbk.Wittgenstein: A Bibliographical Guide By Guido Frongia and Brian McGuinness Basil Blackwell, 1990. Pp. x + 438. ISBN 00631–13765–3. £60.00.Metaphysics By Peter van Inwagen Oxford University Press, 1993. Pp. xiii + 222. ISBN 0–19–8751400. £11.95 pbk.The Nature of Moral Thinking By Francis Snare Routledge, 1992. Pp. 187. ISBN 0–415–04709–9. £9.99 pbk.Filosofía analitica hoy: Encuentro de tradiciones Edited by Mercedes Torrevejano Servicio de Publications Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, (...)
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  45. La filosofía y la inspiración agustiniana.María Teresa Antonelli - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    The rich club of the brain in bipolar disorder.Lord Anton, Roberts Gloria, Breakspear Michael & Mitchell Phillip - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Acercamiento a modalidades de participación ciudadana y conflictos ambientales en el municipio de Sabaneta.María Teresa Castrillón Alzate, Carolina Montes Rojas & Jorge Eduardo Vásquez Santamaría - 2011 - Ratio Juris 6 (13):137-159.
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    Implementation of Text-Messaging and Social Media Strategies in a Multilevel Childhood Obesity Prevention Intervention: Process Evaluation Results.Ivory H. Loh, Teresa Schwendler, Angela C. B. Trude, Elizabeth T. Anderson Steeves, Lawrence J. Cheskin, Sarah Lange & Joel Gittelsohn - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801877918.
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  49. Philosophy and history in Pietro Piovani's works.Maria Teresa Marcialis - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (4):693-714.
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  50. Istruzione programmata e didattica del rinforzo.Maria Teresa Moscato - 1974 - [Catania]: Università di Catania, Facoltà di lettere e filosofia.
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